
Did you know that acupuncture has been shown to be more effective than conventional treatment for migraines, back and knee pain? Acupuncture is also the complementary therapy most recommended by medical doctors (M.D.'s), and is covered under more insurance plans than ever before. No other traditional healing method has ever earned as much world-wide success, recognition and support! Acupuncture is now an established part of the modern medical field.

"In her hands, you will feel better, have hope, and begin to heal. My weekly sessions have kept my immune issues under control. I feel completely supported by her treatments. Rebecca is just…" read more
"I firmly believe the reason that my IVF cycle was successful this time was because of my acupuncture treatments with Rebecca. Every step of my IVF cycle I responded more positively, and was much…" read more
" One of her best qualities is as an active listener. I initially sought out acupuncture with  Liza for pre-surgery needs and have continued on as a weekly patient. My mind, body and spirit…" read more
" Her guidance, knowledge, and compassion have been very comforting as  I battle through my conditions/illness. she really listens and always offers constructive and helpful advice;…" read more
"I have been a patient of Dr. Rebecca Rice for over two years. A little background…..Several years ago, my sister and I had similar damage to our Achilles tendons, causing significant pain and…" read more
"I have worked with Rebecca for over one year on a matter doctors could not treat without heavy medicine, which I did not want to do. I looked  for an acupuncturist to help me, and chose…" read more
" An Infertility Story: “The Stram Center has been a haven of support and thoughtful, high-quality care.” " read more
"I called the Stram Center for Integrative Medicine after my husband and I had been trying to get pregnant for a year unsuccessfully. I was very frustrated and upset when I called the Center for…" read more
"The direction, genuine concern and skilled support I received from Dr. Stram and his staff at the Center helped me through the very difficult time I was having during the initial months of my cancer…" read more
"Before I began working with Liza, I had been suffering with nagging back pain from an old injury.  I was excited to try acupuncture, but skeptical that it would help.  Acupuncture relieved…" read more

Physicians and patients alike are becoming increasingly aware of the benefits of acupuncture, which has been shown to be effective for these and many other illnesses:

  • asthma and allergies
  • back, neck and shoulder pain
  • carpal tunnel syndrome
  • chemotherapy effects of nausea/vomiting, aches/pains, insomnia
  • chronic pain
  • colitis
  • depression and anxiety
  • endometriosis
  • headaches
  • high blood pressure (hypertension)
  • infertility and women undergoing IVF treatment
  • insomnia
  • irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
  • menopause
  • premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
  • sciatica
  • skin conditions and aging see facial rejuvenation
  • smoking cessation
  • stress

Acupuncture Treats the Problem at the Root

Typically, patients take some type of western medication either prescribed by their doctor or purchased over-the-counter. Often times, while these medications may temporarily help reduce their symptoms, they do little more than mask the real problem.

With acupuncture, the modern-day technique based upon the ancient method of Chinese acupuncture, you'll start to feel better and resolve your health issues. Acupuncture works so well because it targets the root of your problem by restoring normal body functions.

Our Licensed Acupuncturists

Rebecca Rice and Liza Pollock use acupuncture to treat patients at the Delmar Stram Center. Rebecca and Liza are New York State licensed acupuncturists, nationally certified and has developed a reputation for her effective acupuncture-based healing techniques.

Depending upon the severity and duration of your ailment, acupuncture treatment plans vary. Your practitioner will discuss your condition with you and come up with a plan that is mutually agreeable.

First time:  What does acupuncture feel like?

If you are new to acupuncture, no doubt you are curious about what to expect! Please read this blog, Curious About Acupuncture?  written for you  by our acupuncturist, Liza Pollock.

Make an appointment with our acupuncturists

Acupuncture works. It has helped countless numbers of people to improve their health and lead pain-free lives. For this reason, The National Institute of Health has approved acupuncture as an effective treatment for many, many health conditions that Americans face today.

Call The Center at 518.689.2244 and we will be happy to discuss your situation and make an appointment for you.

What is Acupuncture?

The thousands of acupuncture points throughout the body present areas where an individuals qi can be accessed and adjusted. The stimulation of these points brings about a shift in qi flow through the pathways, called meridians, that connect these points to the whole of the body's energetic anatomy.

The acupuncturist uses the specific character of each point, and precise pathway of each meridian to decide where a needle needs to be inserted in order to restore the proper flow of qi in the body. When this is achieved, an immediate increase in wellness is often experienced, with subsequent treatments building and adding upon each other.

Acupuncture needles are extremely thin, sterile, and are not reused. Unlike hypodermic needles, acupuncture needles are solid and hair-thin. In most areas of the body, they are inserted no more than ½ inch. There may be a small amount of discomfort at the initial insertion, but this quickly fades and gives way to the unique sensations of relaxation that typically occur with acupuncture.

Theory of Acupuncture

Acupuncture is a tradition rooted in the awareness of life energy (qi), and the concept of health as a balanced movement of this qi. When qi moves through the body, the physiology of the body responds in many ways. Modern research has found that many acupuncture points are located near neural structures and major blood vessels.

Acupuncture has been seen to affect the transmission of nervous impulses, and it is thought that this effect helps to block pain impulses from reaching the brain. In addition, acupuncture has been seen to effect the dilation and constriction of blood vessels. This affect on blood flow is thought to play a part in the healing and repairing of damaged tissue, as well as the maintenance of healthy body tissue.

The release of endorphins and endogenous opiates, natural pain relievers and mood modulator, has also been observed to play an important role in the therapeutic effects of acupuncture.

History of Acupuncture

Acupuncture, which originated in China more than 3,000 years ago, is one of the oldest, most commonly used systems of healing in the world. The traditional practice of the individual as a whole has led to the rapid expansion of acupuncture in the United States over the last 30 years In 1993, the Food and Drug Administration estimated that Americans made up to 12 million visits per year to acupuncture practitioners.

Throughout its history, acupuncture has been used to both prevent and treat illness. Many centuries of practice, observation, and documentation have combined to make acupuncture one of the most elegant, intricate, artful, and effective systems of healing still practiced in the world.

Modern day acupuncture practitioners draw on the wealth of Chinese medical classics, as well as modern advances in biomedical understanding to provide the most effective and safe therapy possible. Acupuncture continues to evolve today.

Acupuncture is provided at the Center by licensed practitioners. New York State regulates and licenses the practice of acupuncture. To make an appointment with Rebecca Rice or Liza Pollock, call the Center at 518-689-2244

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Integrating Chinese Medicine into Cancer Care

Chinese medicine can be an important and incredibly helpful addition to breast cancer treatment. Most people just think acupuncture is what a licensed acupuncturist can offer, but we are also trained in herbal medicine, nutrition, bodywork and Qigong meditation and these are all things that can be incorporated into your treatment plan and care, from prevention, to treatment, and to recovery and…
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Acupuncture and Infertility

There are very few health topics and labels that are as emotionally charged, intensely personal and challenging as infertility. Strict medication and assisted reproductive technique schedules alone can be very stressful. When added on to the expectations and possible fears of living with fertility challenges, they can prove overwhelming.

"In her hands, you will feel better, have hope, and begin to heal. My weekly sessions have kept my immune issues under control. I feel completely supported by her treatments. Rebecca is just…" read more
" An Infertility Story: “The Stram Center has been a haven of support and thoughtful, high-quality care.” " read more
"I firmly believe the reason that my IVF cycle was successful this time was because of my acupuncture treatments with Rebecca. Every step of my IVF cycle I responded more positively, and was much…" read more
" One of her best qualities is as an active listener. I initially sought out acupuncture with  Liza for pre-surgery needs and have continued on as a weekly patient. My mind, body and spirit…" read more
"Before I began working with Liza, I had been suffering with nagging back pain from an old injury.  I was excited to try acupuncture, but skeptical that it would help.  Acupuncture relieved…" read more

Acupuncture is an effective and valuable tool in boosting fertility rates. Since acupuncture is inherently holistic, it also excels at relieving stressful emotional patterns, fatigue, and overall health challenges that can accompany issues of fertility.

The health and success of pregnancy is largely affected by the mother's and father's state of health and well being, both before and after conception.

Our first priority is to serve as a supportive, nourishing, and effective resource for all of our clients' needs. This usually begins with a regimen of acupuncture and herbs designed to strengthen and balance the overall health picture, with a particular emphasis on the functioning of the reproductive system.

These strategies work along with the woman's menstrual cycle to maximize the body's natural reproductive capacity.

In Chinese Medicine, Strategies to Improve Fertility Include:

  • Regulating the menstrual (hormonal) cycle
  • Eliminating or reducing obstructions to proper circulation and implantation
  • Resolving premenstrual syndrome patterns
  • Improving egg/sperm quality
  • Relieving stress, anxiety, depression
  • Mitigating chances of miscarriage
  • Augmenting ART procedure outcomes

Chinese herbs and acupuncture are the most commonly used therapies for infertility. Nutritional recommendations are also encouraged through a visit with Dr. Ronald Stram, M.D.  or Dr. Korey DiRoma, or our dietitician,  but not required.

Our Experienced Acupuncturists

Our Delmar office acupuncturists, Rebecca Rice, L.Ac., MSAOM and Liza Pollock, L. Ac, M.Ac.O.M, treat infertility using Chinese medicine alone or in conjunction with assisted reproductive techniques such as IVF or IUI.


General guidelines for duration and frequency of treatments:

Chinese Medicine Alone

  • Weekly treatments for at least 3-6 months

Acupuncture In Conjunction With IUI

  • Weekly treatments at least 3 months before IUI

Acupuncture In Conjunction With IUI

  • Weekly treatments at least 3 months before the month of IVF cycle
  • Two treatments per week before and after retrieval and transfer process

Success Rates

The determining factors of Chinese medicine's efficacy are similar to those of allopathic medicine. Those with tubal factors, uterine scarring and cysts may be treated with Chinese medicine and are encouraged to be examined with western diagnostic methods of exploring the reproductive system.

A 2001 study reported a 16% increase in pregnancy rates for women receiving acupuncture during their IVF cycle.

Make an Appointment

Call the Delmar Stram Center at 518.689.2244 or Click Here to contact us by Email.

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The Food and Fertility Connection

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Acupuncture, Stress and Infertility

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Better Your Birth with Acupuncture

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Acupuncture for Cancer Patients

Acupuncture provides a valuable complimentary therapy for the reduction of the symptoms and stresses of the cancer patient.

In addition to its well known effectiveness at reducing many pain syndromes, reducing insomnia and anxiety and moderating digestive complaints, a great deal of research illustrates the importance of acupuncture in the holistic approach to cancer management.

"The direction, genuine concern and skilled support I received from Dr. Stram and his staff at the Center helped me through the very difficult time I was having during the initial months of my cancer…" read more
"I have been a patient of Dr. Rebecca Rice for over two years. A little background…..Several years ago, my sister and I had similar damage to our Achilles tendons, causing significant pain and…" read more
" Her guidance, knowledge, and compassion have been very comforting as  I battle through my conditions/illness. she really listens and always offers constructive and helpful advice;…" read more
" One of her best qualities is as an active listener. I initially sought out acupuncture with  Liza for pre-surgery needs and have continued on as a weekly patient. My mind, body and spirit…" read more
"Before I began working with Liza, I had been suffering with nagging back pain from an old injury.  I was excited to try acupuncture, but skeptical that it would help.  Acupuncture relieved…" read more

Some of the many benefits of acupuncture include:

  • Reduction of nausea and emesis with acupuncture, electroacupuncture and acupressure both on its own, and alongside pharmaceutical anti-emetics
  • Improvement in white blood cell counts in patients receiving chemotherapy
  • Reduction of pain and improvement of mobility in the cancer patient
  • Reduction in radiation-induced xerostomia and related dysphagia
  • Chemotherapy-induced fatigue
  • Reduction of vasomotor symptoms in men undergoing treatment for prostate cancer

Judging from the amount of current research, the list of recognized benefits that acupuncture can provide will continue to increase.

Our Licensed Acupuncturists

Rebecca Rice and Liza Pollock, use acupuncture to treat patients here at the Delmar Stram Center. Rebecca and Liza are New York State licensed acupuncturists, nationally certified and have developed a reputation for their effective acupuncture-based healing techniques.

Management of the Cancer Patient at the Stram Center for Integrative Medicine:

In coordination with Dr. Stram, treatment plans are developed for the cancer patient with the goal of enhancing conventional cancer therapies (chemotherapy and radiation) and include:

  • Review of caloric and diet history; establishing individualized nutrition assessment and dietary plans to optimize energy levels and maintain lean body mass

Supplementation therapies including vitamin, herbs and botanicals to:

  • stimulate and increase immune system function
  • encourage cellular repair and regeneration
  • accelerate the process of recovery
  • provide preventative immune support
  • inhibit disease progression
  • enhance treatment efficacy
  • bolster cancer-fighting capacity

Integrative Medicine - Acupuncture for Cancer Patients

Integrative Medicine, practiced here at The Center, is based on a more caring practitioner-client partnership which incorporates the best of conventional Western medicine with alternative and complementary Eastern therapies resulting in a safer, more natural, whole body approach to stimulate the body’s natural healing potential. Dr. Ronald Stram has been treating cancer patients since 2003 using integrative therapies, including high dose IV vitamin C.

Click here to read about all Cancer Care therapies.

Our Special Team Approach to Your Health Care

At the Center, our practitioners have the opportunity to consult with complementary practitioners and medical doctors about your health concerns and the progress you are making. These practitioners are always available to you as well.

We take great pride in our staff's special team consulting approach to the care of our patients, giving you the best that Integrative Medicine has to offer.

Make an Appointment

Please call the Delmar Stram Center at 518-689-2244 or Contact Us by Email.

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Curious About Acupuncture?  Here’s What to Expect

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Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Breast Cancer

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) has many benefits in tissue healing. HBOT increases the amount of oxygen saturated in plasma regardless of red blood cell saturation percentage. The pressure assists in driving the oxygen through all tissue and especially where circulation may be compromised due to trauma or injury. Since oxygen provides energy, the cells can start repairing and rebuilding. The…
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Integrating Chinese Medicine into Cancer Care

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Blood Sugar, Estrogen, and Breast Cancer

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Anti-Aging Therapy

How to Combat the Anti-Aging Process with Intravenous (IV) Therapies

As we get older how do we combat the natural effects of the aging process?First, we have to look at some of the main factors that cause the symptoms of aging and degeneration. These symptoms include fatigue, muscle weakness or muscle loss, reduced stamina and endurance, poor memory and cognition, and chronic inflammation and pain. Many of these symptoms are inter-related and do not always have a singular cause. Addressing some of the root causes can start to reverse aging symptoms and therefore slow the aging process. Let’s look at what happens at the cellular level as we age…

"Last year about this time, I did two rounds of HBOT because I was going to California to visit my daughter and her family and I was having  trouble with the circulation in my legs.…" read more
"The team at the Stram Center saved my life without a doubt. They also gave the tools and knowledge to remain well and healthy. I'll forever be grateful!" read more
"I am a 45-year-old woman and a mother of two boys. I had been having neck and back pain off and on for about year and my menstrual cycle had been irregular for a few years. I thought it was time to…" read more

The cells that make up organs, muscle, and connective tissue all have specific duties. Healthy cells must be able to create energy from oxygen, sugar, and fat. This metabolic process creates chemical “free radicals” and waste products that need to be removed from cells. The process of aging is a slow deterioration of the ability of cells to properly create energy.

What affects the health of the cells?Chemical reactions and metabolic processes create free radicals that are unstable and cause damage to cells. Anti-oxidants have the ability to stabilize the free radicals and therefore reduce damage to cells. When there are not enough anti-oxidants to stabilize the free radicals, it is referred to as oxidative stress (or oxidation). Over time, too much oxidative stress leads to cellular damage. If the damage is to the structures that produce energy such as mitochondria , then we get loss of energy production which will lead to fatigue, muscle loss, weakness, and cognitive issues. If there is damage to the nucleus where DNA is built, it can lead to cancer. Examples would be sun exposure, leading to skin cancer, and smoking, leading to lung cancer.

How can we combat this damage?Reducing exposure to specific elements that cause damage is important. Consuming nutritious food high in anti-oxidants, low in sugar (sugar increases oxidative stress), and plenty of clean water is critical. Since aging involves oxidation and a reduced ability to reduce energy, we can try to incorporate ways to slow or reverse this by increasing anti-oxidants, which leads to reduction in free radical damage.

Intravenous (IV) anti-oxidant therapy is a fast way to overcome oxidative stress!

IV vitamin C:  At doses less than 15,000mg or 15 grams acts as a great anti-oxidant. Vitamin C has properties that can stabilize free radicals. Many animals can synthesize vitamin C from glucose, but humans cannot. Therefore, IV vitamin C is a beneficial way for absorption. IV vitamin C works wonders for our immune system as it helps fight infections and decrease inflammation. Infections and inflammation also cause damage to cells over time that negatively affect their function.

IV glutathione:  Another great way to increase cellular anti-oxidant levels. Glutathione is our body’s most powerful anti-oxidant; it stabilizes free radicals to reduce oxidative stress and inflammation. Glutathione is also important for removing chemicals and waste products from cells. Therefore, IV glutathione is beneficial for many degenerative diseases; such as diabetes, autoimmune, cardiovascular, and neurologic diseases.

IV nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, or NAD+: Popularly known today as the anti-aging miracle supplement, can significantly improve the cell’s ability to produce energy. NAD+ is a product of vitamin B3, or niacin, and is involved as a co-factor in energy production cycle within cells. Our bodies can produce NAD+ from niacin, however, as we age, NAD+ production decreases. Reduction in NAD+ along with damage and down regulation of mitochondria further reduces cellular capacity of energy production. Introducing IV NAD+ can help combat symptoms of fatigue, low stamina, and poor memory and focus.

To reverse aging, we must be able to create cellular energy. We have to decrease the oxidative stress that leads to damage of cells and increase factors that assist in energy production. A wellness program that includes proper diet and nutrition, supplementation, oxygen and IV therapies can decrease oxidative stress and increase energy levels, thus allow you to feel your best!

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT)
helps to provide large quantities of oxygen to all areas of the body and greatly enhances the effects of IV therapies. More oxygen= more energy which translates to the repair of damaged tissues, enhanced regeneration of tissues throughout the body, and optimal levels of cellular function on all levels. At the cellular level, higher concentrations of oxygen from HBOT have the following effects:

  • Promotes healing,
  • Supports the growth of new tissue and blood vessels,
  • Decreases swelling and inflammation,
  • Stimulates collagen production and promotes healthy youthful skin,
  • Increases the body’s ability to fight infections,
  • Helps metabolize toxins.

Click to read more  about HBOT.

Make and appointment for a wellness consultation at  our Delmar New York office or South Burlington, Vermont office

We can recommend a customized IV drip just for you and order investigative labs to determine your specific needs to meet your specific goals.  Call us today:  518.689.2244 for our Delmar office or 802.891.3459 for our South Burlington office;  or use our contact form and we will reach out to you.

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Move More, Age Less

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Anti-Aging | What’s the Hype About Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

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Artemisinin for Cancer and Infections

Also known as artesunate, an extraction from the Wormwood plant, and widely known as an effective treatment for malaria, additionally, artemisinin, is known to have anti-cancer, antibacterial, antifungal, antitumor and ant-inflammatory benefits.

How does Artemisinin work against cancer

Cancer cells and many infectious bacteria require high amounts of iron to divide rapidly. Normal cells do not store iron in such high concentrations as cancer cells. Artemisinin destroys cancer cells and many bacterial infections by reacting with iron receptors on the cell membrane to cause free radical destruction of their cell membranes while leaving normal cells intact. Delivery of artemisinin to cancer cells causes cancer cell death. 

Integrative Oncology at the Stram Center:  we can combine this treatment with high dose vitamin C and hyperbaric oxygen therapy, both also known to have anti-cancer properties for an overall integrative oncology treatment protocol for achieving greater overall survival.

Conditions treated with IV Artemisinin:

  • Leukemia
  • Colon cancer
  • Lung cancer
  • Breast cancer
  • Terminal cancer
  • Reduction of tumors
  • Chemotherapy and radiation resistant cancers
  • Babesia and Lyme disease co-infections

Integrative Treatment Options

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy and Cancer

Cancer thrives in hypoxic (low levels of oxygen) environments and hyperbaric oxygen therapy has been shown to increase these oxygen levels to weaken tumors and reduce their aggressiveness.
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Integrative Lyme Protocols

The Stram Center’s integrative protocols involve a complete analysis of our patients in every aspect of their health. Your customized treatment plan based on this analysis will include the following:
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IV Therapy for Chronic Illness

Combating chronic illness is often not a one step process. There are many factors at play in our bodies when looking to fight and manage chronic disease, therefore we may require assistance. The use of IV therapy may help you by directly introducing needed nutrients into the body’s circulation, bypassing the gastrointestinal tract, so you can benefit from their full function in addressing…
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IV Vitamin C Therapy for Cancer

There is much research regarding the use of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) in cancer therapy. However, most of the research focuses on oral rather than the more effective intravenous (IV) route of administration. IV vitamin C has a significantly greater effect on immune enhancement than the conventional oral route of administration.
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Using Chinese Medicine for Cancer Prevention & Treatment

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Qing hao (Artemisia): Herbs that Fight Infection Caused by External Pathogens

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Anti-Cancer Tip #2: How to Boost your Immune System

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Cancer and Your Immune System: Limiting the Possibility of Recurrence

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Cancer Care

Integrative Oncology at the Stram Center

The Center offers a wide variety of cancer care treatments — including IV therapy, hyperbaric oxygen therapy, acupuncture, medical massage and clinical nutrition — to combat cancer cells,  help boost your immune system, reduce the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation, increase your energy,  reduce anxiety and generally improve your quality of life.

While traditional oncologists usually recommend chemotherapy, radiation and/or surgery, you may be wondering if there isn't something else you could also be doing to benefit your cancer treatment. Stram Center cancer consultations will help you during this process by offering adjunctive therapies during this period of treatment. We will give you ALL your choices to help alleviate the anxiety that comes with making treatment decisions.

"Upon finding out, over three years ago, that I have cancer, something I was not ready to hear, I went to an oncologist to see what I could do for this disease. " read more
"This incredible team! Devoted heart and soul to working with patients." read more
"The direction, genuine concern and skilled support I received from Dr. Stram and his staff at the Center helped me through the very difficult time I was having during the initial months of my cancer…" read more
"Dr. DiRoma was extremely helpful to me during my period of prostate cancer treatment. The nutritional suggestions and herbal supplements he prescribed resulted in a remarkable diminishment of the side…" read more

Our Integrative Medicine  approach integrates the best of western scientific medicine with the wisdom of complementary practices. The emphasis at the Center is our team approach in the care of our patients to provide the most effective treatment, respecting the medical wisdom across disciplines.

Each member of our staff has been carefully selected for their skill and sensitivity in order to provide the highest quality of care to our patients.

"The Stram Center didn't tell me I have 4-6 months to live; they said 'we are going to attack this with everything we can.' I believe I have been helped here."

Watch Christine's testimonial about her cancer care treatment at the Stram Center

In loving memory of Christine, who lived more than two years beyond her initial prognosis.Christine agreed to sit with us for this interview because she wanted to encourage others not to give up hope if you are told you have a few months to live and to seek an oncologist who will work with alternative medicine.

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Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Breast Cancer

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Integrating Chinese Medicine into Cancer Care

Chinese medicine can be an important and incredibly helpful addition to breast cancer treatment. Most people just think acupuncture is what a licensed acupuncturist can offer, but we are also trained in herbal medicine, nutrition, bodywork and Qigong meditation and these are all things that can be incorporated into your treatment plan and care, from prevention, to treatment, and to recovery and…
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Vitamin C: An Integrative Option for Breast Cancer

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Chinese Herbal Medicine

Desiring a healthier life may be your goal, but for you and millions others it can prove more challenging. You may feel that your immunity is low. You may be in a state of physiological, mental or emotional unrest. Or you may be faced with a more serious illness or chronic pain.

"My experience at the Stram Center for Integrative Medicine has been nothing short of wonderful. I am so grateful to the practitioners for the care and compassion they have shown me. I've been…" read more
"I firmly believe the reason that my IVF cycle was successful this time was because of my acupuncture treatments with Rebecca. Every step of my IVF cycle I responded more positively, and was much…" read more
"I have been a patient of Dr. Rebecca Rice for over two years. A little background…..Several years ago, my sister and I had similar damage to our Achilles tendons, causing significant pain and…" read more
" One of her best qualities is as an active listener. I initially sought out acupuncture with  Liza for pre-surgery needs and have continued on as a weekly patient. My mind, body and spirit…" read more
"I have worked with Rebecca for over one year on a matter doctors could not treat without heavy medicine, which I did not want to do. I looked  for an acupuncturist to help me, and chose…" read more
" Her guidance, knowledge, and compassion have been very comforting as  I battle through my conditions/illness. she really listens and always offers constructive and helpful advice;…" read more

Chinese Herbal Therapy Can Assist You With Any of the Following:

  • Allergies
  • Autoimmune disorders
  • Cardiovascular disorders
  • Digestive problems including Irritable Bowel Disease (IBD)
  • Eczema and psoriasis
  • Fatigue
  • Gynecological disorders
  • Immune system enhancement
  • Infection prevention
  • Insomnia
  • Irregular menstruation
  • Liver disorders
  • Pain
  • Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
  • Stress

You'd be surprised by the number of ailments that can be alleviated when you take a holistic approach to your health.

Chinese herbal therapy offers a safe and effective holistic approach toward you as an individual and is often used to replace or supplement traditional pharmaceuticals.

Chinese Herbs Get to the Root of Your Problem

Herbs are designed to get at the root of your problem without encouraging dependency. And most importantly, there are very few side effects to most herbal therapies as opposed to troubling and sometimes dangerous side effects of some prescribed pharmaceuticals.

Herbs are not given to address symptoms alone the way most pharmaceuticals act. Instead, your practitioner assesses you as an entire individual at each level of being: qi (energy), jing (substance), and shen (spirit), based on Traditional Chinese Medicine diagnostics.

Based on this assessment, your practitioner creates a customized combination of multiple herbs to address your specific state of imbalance in your body. Your customized combination, known as a formula, is taken in granular, tincture, or pill form. Your practitioner may also recommend other specific dietary changes to further enhance your body's balance.

Our Licensed Chinese Herbalists

Dr. Rebecca Rice is a trained Chinese Herbal Therapy practitioner with a Ph.D in Traditional Chinese Medicine located right here at the Center. Dr. Rice and Liza Pollock, L.Ac.  are both a Licensed Chinese Herbalist and Acupuncturist extensively trained in the safe and effective use of Chinese Herbs.

Taking Chinese herbs on your own, or on the recommendation of someone not trained in Traditional Chinese Therapy is not advised. Chinese herbs are safe for you when prescribed by a trained Traditional Chinese practitioner.

Top 4 Benefits of Chinese Herbal Therapy

  • Herbs are custom made to get at the root of your imbalances as well as to provide symptom relief. This is done to specifically match you as the individual based on your current health picture, health history, spirit, and constitution. This means a 21 year old athlete with back pain originating about 1 month ago is given a very different set of herbs than a 64 year old woman with back pain, and a history of fatigue and diffuse muscle aches, even though both formulas will treat the back pain.
  • There are very few, and mostly mild side effects to herbal remedies. For example, the herbs we use for sinusitis will not disrupt the natural flora in the digestive tract in the way an antibiotic could, and herbs to reduce pain won't inhibit mental clarity and functioning. Likewise, herbs used to decrease inflammation won't inhibit the immune system the way steroids can.
  • The quality of our herbs versus herbs off the shelf:
    * We dispense your herbs at the specific dosage and at the correct time.
    * Our herbs are pure which means you won't consume heavy metals and pesticides.
    * We guarantee the contents of the herbs, which means the herbs contain a therapeutic dosage versus a dosage too low or too high or not actually any of the herb in the product at all.
  • Herbs work. And, they work in such a way that they promote the body's independent functioning, as opposed to building a dependency.

Chinese Herbs Can Address the Full Range of Human Illness

Chinese herbs can be used and have been developed to address the full range of human illness. They may be used alongside modern therapies including pharmaceutical and nutritional supplements.

At the appropriate dosage and with the appropriate exclusions, herbs may be taken safely by children, pregnant women, and mothers who are breast-feeding. Certain pharmaceuticals, health conditions, and impending surgery all warrant caution, and must be accurately reported to your provider of traditional herbs.

Our Special Team Approach to Your Health Care

At the Center, your Chinese Herbalist has the opportunity to consult with complementary practitioners and medical doctors about your health concerns and the progress you are making. These practitioners are always available to you as well.

We take great pride in our staff's special team consulting approach to the care of our patients, giving you the best that Integrative Medicine has to offer.

Make an Appointment With Our Chinese Herbalists

Now you don't have to travel to China to find a qualified licensed healer. If you are seeking an alternative and safe form of medical treatment, make an appointment with  Liza Pollock, L.Ac or Dr. Rebecca Rice by calling The Center at 518.689.2244 or Contact Us by Email.

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This is a very personal blog post for me as my mother has been living with a traumatic brain injury for 10 years and what I’d like to share is how I used Chinese medicine in her recovery even in her earliest days after the accident.  In April of 2011, I was living in Portland, Oregon at the time but visiting my brother in Missoula, Montana.  Our dad called and said our mom…
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Integrating Chinese Medicine into Cancer Care

Chinese medicine can be an important and incredibly helpful addition to breast cancer treatment. Most people just think acupuncture is what a licensed acupuncturist can offer, but we are also trained in herbal medicine, nutrition, bodywork and Qigong meditation and these are all things that can be incorporated into your treatment plan and care, from prevention, to treatment, and to recovery and…
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Chinese Herbal Medicine & COVID-19

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The Thyroid & Chinese Herbal Medicine

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Chronic Disease

Nowhere is the need for an integrative approach more apparent than in the management of chronic illness. We are a synthesis of many systems all working together, and when one or more systems become diseased, all of the others will be stressed as well. From physical challenges, to the challenges of everyday living, to a satisfying quality of life, we have to go past seeing that illness in isolation, and search to understand and nurture the person who is living with a chronic illness.

"Dr Stram is like no other doctor I have met. And I’ve seen MANY" read more
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"We feel fortunate every day and we recommend Stram Center to everyone who comes to us with questions. " read more
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"The team at the Stram Center saved my life without a doubt. They also gave the tools and knowledge to remain well and healthy. I'll forever be grateful!" read more
"They were the first health care facility that seemed to truly listen to my concerns and symptoms." read more
"I have worked with Rebecca for over one year on a matter doctors could not treat without heavy medicine, which I did not want to do. I looked  for an acupuncturist to help me, and chose…" read more
"Today is one of those days, when the words "thank you" seem so ordinary for offering gratitude for extra-ordinary gifts. When I first came to the Center, I came with some amount of cynicism, since I…" read more

Experience Counts

The Stram Center has become a beacon to those dealing with long term illness. Patients who have been from one specialist to the next for years, and have accumulated lists of medications, but have never felt as if their entire person and circumstances have been addressed in an effective and compassionate manner. Our mission is to serve these individuals with the kind of time, experience and knowledge that are necessary to provide the best care possible.

Who We Serve

We have seen a great diversity of chronic illness at the Stram Center, including the common, and the very rare. As many illnesses we have seen, our focus on the whole person never changes. Some examples of chronic illness seen at the Center include:

  • Fibromyalgia
  • Crohn’s Disease
  • Ulcerative Colitis
  • Arthritis
  • Irritable Bowel Disease
  • Migraines and Headaches
  • Male and Female Reproductive Health
  • Asthma
  • Allergies
  • Chronic Pain
  • Cancer and Cancer Recovery Management
  • Skin Disease
  • Kidney Disease and related Urinary Tract issues
  • Women's and Men's Hormone Balance
  • Neuropathy
  • Parkinson's Disease
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Depression/Anxiety
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  • Auto-Immune Diseases
  • Lyme Disease

Our Special Team Approach to Your Health Care

At the Center, our practitioners have the opportunity to consult with complementary practitioners and medical doctors about your health concerns and the progress you are making. These practitioners are always available to you as well. Our founder, Dr. Ronald Stram has been diagnosing and treating chronic illness since 2003. His clinical experience with more than 15,000 patients during this time frame is unsurpassed in the field of integrative and functional medicine. He often gets referrals from other medical doctors who cannot determine what's wrong with their patients. They come to the Stram Center to find out.

We take great pride in our staff’s special team consulting approach to the care of our patients, giving you the best that Integrative Medicine has to offer.

Make an Appointment

Call The Center at 518.689.2244 to make an appointment or Click Here to Contact Us by Email.

Integrative Treatment Options

Acupuncture for Chronic Illness

WHAT TO EXPECT Acupuncture has long been a therapeutic and effective tool to treat ailments of varying type and severity. In fact, in China, Traditional Chinese Medicine (of which acupuncture is a component of) is used in the treatment of chronic illness in a primary care setting. Our acupuncturists have been trained in TCM and are an excellent source for complementary treatment in chronic…
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Medical Massage and Craniosacral Therapy for Chronic Illness

WHAT TO EXPECT: Craniosacral Therapy Craniosacral Therapy is a subtle yet effective hands on therapy. In many patients, a restriction or disruption can occur in the natural flow of the cerebral spinal fluid leaving after effects that can range from headaches to chronic pain and other chronic conditions. A trained practitioner in the technique and art of craniosacral therapy, can detect these…
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IV Therapy for Chronic Illness

Combating chronic illness is often not a one step process. There are many factors at play in our bodies when looking to fight and manage chronic disease, therefore we may require assistance. The use of IV therapy may help you by directly introducing needed nutrients into the body’s circulation, bypassing the gastrointestinal tract, so you can benefit from their full function in addressing…
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Cleansing & Detox Programs for Chronic Illness

During treatment for chronic illness, the body may begin to accumulate toxic waste that needs to be removed from our bodies. For example, when we are improving liver function, there may be residual byproducts of healing that can hinder the body’s optimal restoration.
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Eat Well for Heart Health!

As we observe National Heart Health in February, we recognize that heart disease is still the leading cause of death in both men and women living in the US. While many factors can contribute to heart disease, one of the leading causes is how and what we eat. The Standard American Diet (aka SAD) is comprised of foods and ingredients that contribute or lead to heart disease. This is in part due…
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COVID-19 Long haulers Syndrome: Treatment, Symptoms and the Relation to Chronic Lyme Disease.

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Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Breast Cancer

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) has many benefits in tissue healing. HBOT increases the amount of oxygen saturated in plasma regardless of red blood cell saturation percentage. The pressure assists in driving the oxygen through all tissue and especially where circulation may be compromised due to trauma or injury. Since oxygen provides energy, the cells can start repairing and rebuilding. The…
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Blood Sugar, Estrogen, and Breast Cancer

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Cleansing Programs

Detoxification is a term that is often used for chemical and alcohol dependencies. However, it is also a term, which describes the removal of normal metabolic wastes that accumulate from the body’s normal functions.

It also includes the body’s process of removing foreign substances which invade us through living in a polluted world. This includes chemicals and organism that are found in our air, water, food and homes.

Our bodies have a resilient ability to process these environmental substances, but sometimes we need additional support for these processes. It is now appearing that some people have an inhibited ability to maintain these functions. These people are often diagnosed with conditions like chronic fatigue, multiple chemical sensitivities, migraine headaches, fibromyalgia, and immune deficiencies such as autoimmune conditions.

The Center offers comprehensive cleansing and detoxification programs. These programs include dietary regiments such as therapeutic fasting or elimination diets along with herbal and nutritional supplementation which supports the body’s natural "detox" processes, specifically, the cytochrome P450 pathways.

We offer therapeutic Far Infrared sauna to support patients during their cleanse. Stram Center's stationary  far infrared sauna targets the whole body and utilizes multiples types of wavelengths. These low temperature infrared saunas help to mobilize and eliminate toxins and chemicals from your system in a thorough, but gentle way. Far infrared heat is more deeply penetrating than higher temperature saunas and helps to dilate and expand blood vessels, allowing for greater sweating and more elimination of harmful toxins. Further, far infrared heat promotes lipolysis which is the breakdown of fat tissue. Toxins, which are stored in fat tissues, are released into the blood stream and can then be eliminated from the body through normal routes of elimination such as the skin, urinary and digestive systems. Theses saunas also increase heart rates and circulation - its like working out without exerting your muscles. Higher temperature saunas such as those found in health clubs can often stress the body, which limits the detoxification process.

In addition, the deep penetrating heat of far infrared, helps relieve muscle aches, soreness and stiffness and heal tissue injuries.

In Summary, the benefits of Infrared Sauna:

  • detoxifies the body by eliminating toxins through sweat, improves circulation, boosts the immune system, and reduces inflammation
  • helps to reduce pain, especially chronic pain, and improves sleep
  • improves skin health and reduces stress levels.

Portable Sauna: ask us about our portable sauna for your home use! We are authorized sellers of portable saunas for personal use at home. 

Call us at: 518 689-2244.

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Craniosacral Therapy

Discovering the best form of therapy for your condition can be an enlightening moment. That "aha" moment for many of our patients comes when we introduce Craniosacral Therapy.

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Craniosacral Therapy Is An Effective Treatment For:

  • headaches and migraines
  • chronic neck and back pain
  • anxiety and nervousness
  • insomnia
  • depression
  • TMJ
  • dizziness and tinnitus

Craniosacral Therapy is a powerful alternative in cases where other therapies have not provided relief. In addition, craniosacral therapy promotes relaxation and immune system function, thereby enhancing healing throughout your body.

How It Works

The craniosacral system consists of the brain, spinal cord, membranes and the fluid within it. This fluid has a pulse or rhythm not unlike the pulse of the circulatory or respiratory systems.

After the body experiences a trauma such as a fall or accident or has been in a cycle of repeated stress, the rhythm within the craniosacral system can be disrupted and a restriction can occur in the natural flow of this fluid. Because the system that is affected is the central nervous system, a variety of different symptoms can occur from headaches to chronic pain and many other neurological complaints.

Through light touch and gentle manipulation of areas on the head and throughout the body including the spine, a trained practitioner can detect where the natural flow is restricted and facilitate a release where flow is then restored. The natural healing ability of the body is the key to the effectiveness of this therapy.

This complementary therapy is gaining popularity due to its gentle and non-invasive treatment of a variety of symptoms. In addition, Craniosacral Therapy works well in conjunction with other therapeutic techniques to promote balance and recovery for a variety of symptoms.

What a Craniosacral Therapy Session Is Like

In a typical session the patient lies on a padded table on their back, fully clothed and usually covered with a blanket. Light touch no heavier than the weight of a nickel is used to detect the rhythm of the craniosacral system and gentle techniques are used on the head, spine and throughout the body to release a restriction.

A client can expect to feel relaxed, sleepy or even energized. Some clients report that they become more aware of their body and the restrictions within it. A typical craniosacral therapy session lasts approximately one hour.

Our Special Team Approach to Your Health Care

At the Center, your craniosacral therapist has the opportunity to consult with complementary practitioners and medical doctors about your health concerns and the progress you are making. These practitioners are always available to you as well.

We take great pride in our staff's special team consulting approach to the care of our patients, giving you the best that Integrative Medicine has to offer.

Make An Appointment

Call The Center at 518.689.2244 to make an appointment.

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