Blood Sugar, Estrogen, and Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is directly connected to hormonal imbalance. When we talk about the complex world of hormones, we understand that many aspects influence them, such as stress, the food we eat, how we move our bodies (or lack of movement), and genetics. With breast cancer specifically, estrogen is a key player. So how does nutrition influence our estrogen?

By now you may or may not have heart of “estrogen dominance,” a condition where estrogen levels are either above normal levels or progesterone is too low. The typical estrogen dominant picture usually includes symptoms such as...

constipation, blood sugar dysregulation, weight gain or inability to lose weight, sleep disturbances or insomnia, impaired detoxification, and heavy periods (along with severe cramping and other period symptoms). Nutrition directly influences each area and thus plays a critical role in either encouraging estrogen dominance or correcting the imbalance.

From a nutritional standpoint, cruciferous vegetables help the body detoxify, aiding blood sugar stability and promotive healthy hormone levels. So, consider where in your diet you could add them in! Maybe some roasted brussels sprouts with dinner or cauliflower rice with your chicken stir-fry. Broccoli sprouts are one of the top cancer-fighting foods, and for good reason. They pack a lot of nutrition into a tiny package and are easy to grow at home (how COVID-friendly). Add them to your sandwiches, salads, or top of a myriad of other dishes with some crunchy cancer-fighting plant power.

A key factor we can start to balance blood sugar is to include adequate healthy fat, protein, and fiber with our meals. If meals are predominantly carbohydrates (such as pizza, pasta or cereal), this spikes blood glucose and insulin levels and over time causes major fluctuations of blood sugar and impairs insulin sensitivity, often leading to type 2 diabetes. Our bodies are happy and healthy when our blood sugar is stable so working with a dietitian to outline the best plan to achieve stable blood sugar levels is important. Some individuals need small frequent meals initially to help create stability. For others, intermittent fasting can be therapeutic. A trained and experienced nutrition professional is the best source for determining which plan will be effective for you.

Exercise helps to balance blood sugar and aid detoxification. Specifically, exercise can be used therapeutically in two ways when trying to balance blood sugar and healthy estrogen levels. Adding muscle-building activity and reducing body fat has a drastic impact on shifting the body away from estrogen production. Additionally, engaging in light activity after eating can help to stabilize or lower the insulin response, aiding blood sugar stability. This activity can include an easy walk or some stretching. Muscle-building activity can include lifting weights or body-weight exercises such as squats, planks, and wall-sits.

Additional factors that help to balance our estrogen levels include adequate sleep, stress management, and bowel regularity. If you’re someone who struggles with sleep, consider whether you have healthy sleep hygiene and start a bedtime routine. This can include refraining from screen time at least one hour before bed, reading a relaxing book, eliminating alcohol, avoiding caffeine after 2pm, turning down the temperature and dimming the lights.

Bowel regularity is very important to balance hormone levels and combat estrogen dominance. The body produces estrogen, uses it, then packages it up for excretion in the stool. If the stool is not evacuated, estrogen can recirculate in the body, adding to the total amount. This can become a major issue for those who are constipated or not moving their bowels optimally. Some basics of bowel regulation include adequate fiber COMBINED with adequate water (fiber without proper hydration can cause further constipation), movement or activity, and regular sleep. So you can see how all these areas are related and work together. If the basics aren’t proving effective, a registered dietitian can help identify issues preventing bowel regularity and offer suggestions, from food sensitivity work and dietary recommendations to gut microbiome testing.

During this month of Breast Cancer Awareness, it behooves us to consider how we are helping our bodies balance hormones through food and lifestyle habits. If you’re seeking support in checking your hormones or getting things balanced, we encourage you to reach out to our trained professionals.

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