Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy and Cancer

Cancer thrives in hypoxic (low levels of oxygen) environments and hyperbaric oxygen therapy has been shown to increase these oxygen levels to weaken tumors and reduce their aggressiveness.

Enhance "conventional" cancer therapies and treatments and reduce side effects with hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT)

·         better radiation therapy results

·         improves chemotherapy outcomes

·         reduces radiation therapy side effects

·         decreases chemotherapy side effects

·         accelerates post-operative healing and prevents infection

Enhance IV Cancer treatments with hyperbaric oxygen Therapy

·         increases intravenous vitamin c therapy effects

·         enhances chemotherapy uptake

Reduce Tumor aggressiveness

Increase natural killer cell activity and function with hyperbaric oxygen therapy

Cancer prevention with hyperbaric oxygen therapy:

·         decreases inflammatory markers

·         normalizes intracellular oxgyen levels

·         stimulates cellular detoxifcation

·         reduces risk of pathogenic inflammatory-related tumors supports cellular energy processes for optimal DNA repair

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