Connecting With Our Connective Tissue

Listening to and caring for our connective tissue.

Taking time for your emotional and physical health is a great way to start the new year. It is important for all of us to take time to rejuvenate, recharge and listen to our tissues.

Our bodies communicate daily through signals. Sitting for long periods of time, rounding your shoulders while working, feeling stressed and clenching your teeth are actions which send signals that may create symptoms like headaches, sore shoulders, back pain, neck and jaw pain. These symptoms are restrictions in your connective tissue which can lead to asymmetries in the body causing excess pressure on nerves, muscles, vessels and organs. This pressure leads to the signal that is pain.

The connective tissue in your body is a water-based, body-glide system. The tissue needs fluid to move. If you are feeling achy, try drinking water. Staying hydrated can relieve headaches and body pains.

A massage is a great way to reconnect with your body. Massage releases holding and bracing patterns, reduces pain and increases mobility to help restore balance to your body so it can function optimally. Massage can also help boost immunity, reduce anxiety or depression, stimulate the lymphatic system and increase circulation.

Listen to your body’s signals and feel your best in 2020.

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