The Healing Touch of Myofascial Release Massage

Does your jaw ache since you twisted your knee? Have you suffered with headaches since your hip surgery years ago? There can be a connection, even though most people are not familiar with some of the causes and effects.

Myofascial release massage (MFR) is a gentle, relaxing massage that works the connective tissues or “fascia” of the body. MFR looks at the structural asymmetries in the body and seeks to find and treat the root causes of problems, instead of only addressing the symptoms. MFR differs from other types of massage in that it applies gentle pressure, held for a length of time, to encourage the connective tissue restrictions to release, to open and elongate the tissues.

Benefits of MFR

The benefits of MFR include pain reduction, a decrease in inflammation, an increase in blood and lymph flow, reduced anxiety, a decrease in joint pain, more oxygen to the muscles, improvements to posture, deeper breathing, restoration of movement and function within the joints and soft tissue, increased energy and slowing or reversing a progression of illness. MFR can have real benefits for chronic conditions like Lyme disease, Fibromyalgia, depression, chronic low back pain, chronic fatigue, GI issues, Rheumatoid Arthritis, and more.

Causes of Fascial Restrictions

Some common causes of fascial restrictions are inflammation, poor posture, involuntary holding patterns due to stress, sitting or standing for long periods of time, physical or emotional traumas, disease, car accidents, repetitive motion, sports injuries and scarring from surgeries. Collagen, elastin and a gel-like substance make up connective tissue. This is what allows tissue to move and stretch as needed. Restrictions occur when the fibers in the fascia stick together and spaces are minimized or closed off completely causing the fascia to lose its fluidity and pliability. The result is pain, poor blood flow, weaker nerve impulses, limited flexibility, tension and stress on the body.

Releasing Fascial Restrictions

MFR treatments apply gentle, sustained pressure to areas of restricted tissue to eliminate pain and improve overall function of the body. MFR treatment helps to release restrictions and can stimulate profound, long-lasting, positive changes in both the mind and body. Since all of us have some degree of facial restriction, everyone can benefit from MFR. 

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