Are You Detoxifying Enough?

Spring Cleaning! Time to Restore.

Detoxification is an essential process each of our bodies endure on a routine basis to maintain homeostasis; but are you detoxifying enough? Detoxification is the physiological and psychological processes, which the body withstands to identify, neutralize, and eliminate various contaminants and categories that may lead to health problems. Contaminants of utmost concern include but are not limited to: anti-nutrients, internal metabolic toxins, medications, heavy metals, chemicals, allergens, and infectious organisms. Psychological habits and patterns that can wreak havoc include stress, unhealthy mental states, overstimulation, lack of spiritual connection, isolation, nature deprivation, and negative emotions. It is crucial to maintain all of these aspects of our lives in order to sustain a continuous state of balance. If we become out of balance, our major systems (liver, gallbladder, kidneys, gastrointestinal system, skin, lungs, lymphatic and circulatory system, and brain) will become dysfunctional leading to vague, non-specific symptoms. It is always important to seek a medical work-up at the first sign of persistent symptoms to rule out any potential serious medical conditions. Once serious medical conditions have been ruled out, your next step should be to focus on what methods you can do to aid your body in its ability to restore itself. Symptoms that may be attributed to a detoxification issue within the body may include: fatigue, brain fog, mood disturbance, headaches, irritable bowel, weight changes, infertility or low libido, heart burn, persistent infections, rashes, or adverse body odor.

If you suffer from any of these symptoms and have undergone a medical work-up without a diagnosis, a detox regimen may be your best friend. You may ask yourself, “Ok, what can I do to feel better?” You can search the Internet and find various detox gimmicks and potentially harmful products and programs, but my recommendation would be: bring it back to basics. Keep it SIMPLE. You are less likely to fail by keeping it simple.

*Daily physical activity: 20-30 minutes of daily physical activity such as walking, yoga, jogging, bicycling, etc. at a minimum of 3 to 4 days per week. For better psychological detox, perform these exercises in the natural outdoors.

*Sweat: routine sweating by physical activity, hot yoga, sauna, or steam room (20-30 minutes depending on the activity 3-5 times per week).

*Healthy Nutrition: NO MORE FAST FOODS OR JUNK FOODS!! They may taste good, but man are they doing a number to your body! Fresh, organic meats, fruits, and vegetables are your friends! Stay well hydrated with filtered water. Ideally, drink half your body weight in ounces.

*Self-reflection: engage in practices such as meditation, journaling, breathing-focused relaxation techniques

*Manual therapies: massage and acupuncture are great methods to bring back homeostasis in the body and tissues.

*Social support: it is important to incorporate social time with family, friends, and the community on a regular basis.

Mind you, most of these methods do not cost anything to you except your time. Your time and investment in your body is only as important as you make it. Spring is a time when most people are busy cleaning out their drawers, homes, cars, etc., so why not take time to restore your body. You will only be beneficial to others as long as you are helpful to yourself.




Rakel, D. (2018). Integrative medicine. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier.

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