Acupressure (P6) For Nausea & Anxiety Relief

Acupoint pericardium 6 is the primary point for nausea and can also help relieve anxiety.

The end of the year and holiday season can be a very joyous time, but also a quite stressful time for many people whether due to family pressures, financial strain, food and drink temptation and indulging and more. I chose the acupoint pericardium 6 for this month because of its many actions and indications applicable during this time of year and because I’ve been demonstrating for patients how to apply self-acupressure on this point quite frequently in my practice lately.

The pericardium surrounds the heart and the channel itself starts in the chest and courses down the inside of the arms as well as descends through the diaphragm into the abdomen. Pericardium 6, named Nei Guan or Inner Gate, is located on the inside of the wrist about the distance of two thumb widths from the wrist crease between the two thin tendons that run through the middle of the forearm. If you make a beak shape or claw with your hand, you can see these tendons. This is the point where the wrist sea bands are placed to help with nausea, the name coined from sea sickness that can occur with motion on the water. This is the primary point for nausea and in studies has shown better results over anti-emetic medications. It can also reduce a stomachache or cramps.

When stress and anxiety manifest as a tightening and/or palpitations in the chest, this point is powerful for opening the chest, calming the spirit, relieving agitation, regulating the rate and rhythm of the heart, and helping with sleep. Nei Guan is a Taoist expression meaning to examine oneself with a heartfelt searching of one’s inner world. This point can be used “when the person is out of touch with what they want out of life, giving connection and taking the person within them self... when this gate is working smoothly, the person can see things more clearly, establishing a balance of the body and mind, increasing coordination and reducing chaos. This point brings the mental and physical symptoms into line, drawing the physical symptom into the mind, getting to the heart of the matter, accessing the inner pathway of the spirit” (J.R. Worsley.)

So if needed this holiday season, if in a moment of anxiety or indigestion, try giving yourself pressure here, it doesn’t have to be forceful, just a gentle pressing. Hold one side for 5 minutes or so, then switch to the other side, and you can keep switching back and forth. While doing so, take deep comfortable breaths and reassuring yourself that you can get through this holiday season with grace.


A Manual of Acupuncture by Peter Deadman & Mazin Al-Khafaji with Kevin Baker.

Spirit of the Points by J.R. Worsley, Lonny Jarret, et al.

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