Self Care Tips to Relieve Holiday Stressors!

The Holidays increase our stress levels. Here are tips to help cope!

As the holiday season has arrived, it is important to embrace and reflect on the past, present, and future in order to start the New Year on the right foot. Unfortunately, many Americans are too busy and stressed during the holiday season to take time to care for themselves. This has the potential for people to decline in physical, mental, and emotional health. According to the American Psychological Association, 2016, 44% of women and 31% of men report an increase of stress around the holidays. The leading holiday stressors tend to be lack of time, lack of money, commercialism, pressure of gift exchanges, family gatherings, and staying on diet (APA, 2016). There are many different ways to cope with these stressors .

1. Create a To Do List

Over the course of this month, there will be many tasks and obligations that come across your schedule. In order to decrease stress and not feel pressed for time, it would be beneficial to make a To Do List that prioritizes your goals and items to accomplish in a sequential order. This will also set you up for positive results when you are able to cross off each line one at a time on your to do list! Always try to look at the positive. Although you may have a lot to conquer, it can and will be done! ????

2. Be on the move!

Exercise is one of the best ways to overcome stress whether during the holidays or life in general. Despite the many demands in your life, this is not the season to stop exercising. Research has shown that physical activity not only boosts your fitness abilities and energy levels, it can also elevate your moods with increased endorphin production. Exercise has been found to reduce negative emotions such as fatigue, tension, anger, and confusion; so let’s get up and keep moving!

3. Choose REAL foods

During the holiday season most people are bombarded with comfort foods, snacks, and desserts that are not the healthiest options, however there is no need to feel guilty for allowing yourself a treat once in awhile. In order to be your most focused, energetic, and happy self, the best foods to eat grow on trees on the ground ( fruits and vegetables). It is also important to choose healthy fat options such as olive oil and flax seeds. Lean proteins such as fish, organic chicken, seeds, nuts, and legumes are important as well. When you are around a large party for the holidays, pick one “cheat” item for the day and make that your only vice. Remember the food you eat is always a choice; make it a good choice!

4. You Time

Despite all the chaos that occurs during the holiday season, please remember how important it is to take care of yourself. You are not able to help or care for others if you are not feeling your best. It is not too much to ask of yourself to take 15 minutes out your day to help you decompress. Use your time wisely whether it’s taking a few minutes in a quite room to reflect on this year, take a “calm break” using several deep breaths to help relax and possibly meditate, or use imagery to escape for a few moments to your favorite location. Choose whatever it is that helps you unwind, and do it.

With the holidays usually comes feelings of happiness, joy, and gratefulness. Unfortunately there are many individuals and families who don’t visualize the holidays as a merry and peaceful time. Bringing joy to others can be very rewarding and I would encourage all of us to pay it forward if the opportunity presents itself. You may not be able to contribute money or time, but generosity and kindness are basic deeds we all could benefit from this holiday season.


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