Move More, Age Less

Our bodies need movement to function optimally. Movement stimulates the lymphatic system, helps blood circulation, increases energy, decreases anxiety, improves sleep, and keeps muscles and joints working properly.  Technological advances have made our lives easier, but the downside is a tendency to adopt a sedentary lifestyle. Sitting at a computer all day, binge watching television (we don’t even have to get up to turn the channel) and driving instead of walking are just a few examples...

Our bodies can handle a lot, but over time inactivity, poor posture, and repetitive motions like looking down at your phone while texting, can create asymmetries in the body. These asymmetries cause aging symptoms to appear like chronic pain and stiffness.

In my myofascial massage practice, two common problems I see are rounded shoulders with head forward posture, which can lead to back, shoulder and neck pain, and tight hip flexor muscles (psoas muscles) from sitting too much, which can cause low back pain. Massage is a great way to correct asymmetries. In addition, I also recommend movement at home for my clients as the most important work is how you take care of yourself on daily basis.

It is never too late to add activity to your life. Adding just a few minutes of stretching and walking can make a big difference in how you feel now and, in the years, to come. As always, it is a good idea to check with your physician before beginning a new exercise regimen to be sure your body does not need special precautions.

Keep your body moving and enjoy the benefits of your healthy lifestyle!

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