​Wu Wei Zi: The Berry That Settles

Wu wei zi, also know as schisandra berry, helps nourish many aspects of our being.

Wu wei zi is one of the most important Chinese herbs used in therapeutic formulas. The translation into English is: five (wu) flavor (wei) seed/berry (zi). Known as schisandra berry, this wonderful fruit contains all flavors (sour, sweet, bitter, salty and acrid) which lend to its ability to affect the body in numerous ways.

According to Chinese medicine, schisandra berry is used to astringe the lung qi and nourish the kidneys. In other words it is used for ailments such as chronic cough, asthma, and incontinence. Its astringent aspect also applies in certain cases of diarrhea where there is spleen and kidney yang deficiency, or a lack of energy to boost the function of the spleen and the kidneys. Additionally, schisandra is used to stop excessive sweating from yin or yang deficiency. When there is yin deficiency there may be sweating related to hot flashes. When there is a yang deficiency there may be sweating related to a lack of energy (qi) circulation.

Interestingly, schisandra also has a function on the psychological aspect of the heart. This is called calming the spirit. Symptoms such as palpitations, insomnia, forgetfulness, excessive dreams or neurosis are a result of an unsettled mind. This can stir up emotions causing the above mentioned symptoms. In essence schisandra berry consolidates and settles many aspects of our being.

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