Remaining Vigilant while Transitioning Gracefully from Fall into Winter

One myth or misconception is that ticks are not present during the winter.  After seeing so many ticks in late spring into early summer and then again, but maybe less so, at the beginning of the fall, we must still remain vigilant all year round.  According to the SUNY Upstate Medical University website, “ticks don’t die in the winter, they go into dormancy around 35 degrees and hide in perfectly formed igloos under leaf litter. As soon as the frozen ground thaws and the ground temperature reaches 45 degrees, ticks will begin to emerge in seek of a host for blood feeding. And if the weather gets bad again, they seek shelter, but they don’t disappear.” 

Now that we’re into the month of December, we’re transitioning from autumn into winter.  Some of the oldest Chinese medical texts suggested thousands of years ago that humans should live in harmony with the natural cycle of the seasons.  After the warmer seasons that are full of activity, now is the time to honor slowing and quieting down, to reflect inwardly, and to rest and conserve energy so that we may be replenished and recharged instead of burned out when the spring returns.  Just as the leaves fall off the trees and the roots store the essential nutrients needed for re-growth in the spring, we can shed unwanted layers, getting rid of what does not serve us anymore, while grounding into and cultivating the positive and healthy aspects of our being.

According to Chinese medicine, autumn corresponds to the metal element—to harvesting, the lung and large intestine organs, the nose, skin and body hair, grief as well as awe and inspiration; while the winter corresponds to the water element—to storing, the kidney and bladder organs, the ears, bones and head hair, fear as well as courage and ambition.  The lungs help distribute our defensive energy, called Wei Qi (‘way chee’), to the surface of the body to ward off colds and flus, while the kidneys store our source energy, called Yuan Qi (‘you-wan chee’), our most dense core strength and will-power.  The kidneys help anchor down the pure air we breathe in through the lungs to be used as vital energy to support all the systems of the body.

 During this time of introspection and consolidation, it is important we recharge and cultivate personal practices of a healthy diet, movement, mindfulness, getting enough sleep and relaxation, and self-care like receiving an acupuncture treatment.  Try setting attainable changes that will make you feel better to increase energy, focus and suppleness while decreasing pain, fatigue and stress.  Try to think of one thing (or more!) that you’re grateful for before you go to bed, this can help improve your immunity.



About Liza Pollock,, L.Ac, M.Ac.O.M.

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