One More Reason to Quit Smoking…

With recent tax increases, the average cost of a cigarette pack in NY is now $9.20!  In one week of smoking one pack per day, that’s $64.40.  The cost of the habit continued over a month is $276!  That’s a car payment.  The yearly cost is $3,358- that’s a trip overseas to stay in really nice hotels while you see the world!  So instead of paying for the privelege of inhaling carcinogenic and poisonous chemicals, people across New York are calling it quits.  Congratulations to all of you who have made the transition!

To all of you who are still on the fence, remember what Ben Franklin said: “A penny saved is a penny earned.”  For every day you don’t smoke, add that up- that’s yours!  At the end of the week, take that $65 and treat yourself to a really nice dinner, a massage or an addition to your wardrobe.  That’s about a massage every week, something we could all really use!  Or make plans for that money, add it up every day and see how much closer you’re getting to that trip to Australia.

If that’s not enough, consider using hypnosis and acupuncture to help you through the withdrawal stages of quitting.  The choice to quit has to come from within, but now there are more reasons than ever to put them down and walk away with that change clinking in your pocket.  We’d love to hear of your success stories- or maybe you could send us a postcard!

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