How to Avoid Overeating during the Holidays!

While the holidays are a great time to celebrate with family and friends, celebrations often result in overeating and excessive calorie intake.
Below are tips to prevent overeating.

  • Listen to your body: It takes 20 minutes for your digestive system to inform the brain that you are full. Before having seconds or dessert, ensure it has been at least 20 minutes since you started eating.
  • Take a break: Take a break from eating during your meal by having a drink of water, or talking with your company. This will help your meal last at least 20 minutes.
  • Drink water with your meal: Water is calorie free and helps aid digestion. Choose water over other beverages to avoid excess calorie intake.
  • Graze during the day: Eat small meals and snacks leading up to the holiday meal. Avoid skipping meals all day to save room for the feast. Eating more often will increase your metabolism and put less stress on your digestive system.
  • Drink hot liquids during or after your meal: Hot liquids tend to help speed up digestion. Drink hot herbal/decaf tea or hot water with your meals to aid digestion. Avoid drinking caffeine in excess such as coffee.
  • Wait for dessert: Instead of having dessert with the meal, wait and have dessert 1-2 hours after the meal. This will put less stress on your GI tract.

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