The Benefits of Individualized Nutrition

While humans are alike in many ways, we are also unique, especially when it comes to our behaviors, beliefs, genetic makeup, likes and dislikes. Our nutritional needs are just as unique to each of us because nutrition is much more than calories, vitamins and minerals. Our individual nutrition depends on many of factors, including our beliefs, behaviors, habits, cooking abilities, access to healthy foods, financial means, likes/dislikes, upbringing, and exposure in a safe and supportive childhood home to different foods. In an individualized nutrition counseling session, all of these factors are taken into account, creating space that you can thrive in.

When it comes to nutrition, we know that the one-size-fits-most rule does not typically work. Sometimes it can work in the short-term, but we do not usually see lasting effects, nor do we typically enjoy the process. The benefits of working with a practitioner and engaging in individual nutrition counseling often leads to long-term success that can lead to achievement of goals for one’s health and body. Individualized nutrition takes into account whether we are too busy to cook elaborate meals (or if we even like cooking to begin with), family dynamics, and all barriers to making life long changes. These barriers are then formulated into targeted plans for achieving attainable goals.

When we think about a nutrition plan that is tailor-made, we might think it focuses on purely our health status, whether that is to lose weight, improve fertility, or reduce inflammation/pain. And yes, it does all that and more. By working with a nutrition provider that you trust, this process is not only effective, but even enjoyable. If you are interested to know more about nutrition services offered at the Stram Center, please reach out. We would love you to experience the benefits of individualized nutrition counseling. 

Learn more about our nutrition services at this page.

Meet our Registered Dietitian, Janna, at this link

About Janna Neitzel,, MS, RD, CDN

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