Nutrition Tip for Breast Cancer Awareness Month!

Decreasing alcohol intake can help with weight management which can have a direct impact on estrogen-levels.

Given that breast cancer is the second most common type of cancer among women in the US, having prevention at the forefront of our minds is best. While there are some risk factors that are out of our control, such as genetic predisposition, there are some within our control that heavily influence what direction our cells modify and whether we develop cancer.

Several contributing risk factors include lifestyle habits, such as diet, alcohol consumption, and weight. To reduce your risk for breast cancer you may consider taking a closer look into how well you manage your behaviors around lifestyle management. Many of us get deeply driven by our built or innate habits. But like many things in life, the opportunity for change is always present for those open to it.

While we know that there can be nutritive components to red wine, we also recognize that the more alcohol consumed, the higher the risk of developing breast cancer. If moderation is tricky, consider abstaining from alcohol all-together and implement other healthy, comforting habits in place of regular drinks, such as a fancy “mocktail” or a soothing nighttime tea.

When it comes to weight management, alcohol consumption is often a major influencer. You might find that in limiting or eliminating your intake of alcohol, you’re able to manage your weight more easily. That’s not only due to the caloric content of alcoholic beverages (which range greatly) but also because alcohol itself disrupts the metabolic pathways and can impair our digestive and detoxification organs from working efficiently. We know that excess body fat is associated with blood insulin and estrogen levels and, likewise, directly impact our risk for breast cancer.

So, what is one to do? Eating moderate portions and consuming a mostly plant-based diet with adequate high-quality protein and healthy fats is a game-changer! Add some regular physical activity, proper sleep and stress reduction practices, and you’ve got the ideal breast-cancer-fighting recipe. 

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