Lyme: Diet is a BIG Deal!

Lyme and tick-borne diseases affect the body in a myriad of ways. On a basic level, they trigger the immune system. When we get infected, the immune system is designed to kick in, causing an inflammatory response, and enlisting the body’s army of mighty cells to target the invaders, killing the bacteria and restoring the body to homeostasis. When we talk about diet and nutrition, we can see that with this simple immune response, diet plays a major role.

As described, the immune response causes inflammation. When someone has Lyme disease, this means there is a chronic state of inflammation, as the bacteria continue to replicate and take root in different areas of the body (joints, muscles, and the nervous system). Diet can either contribute to inflammation or help fight it. Some foods and ingredients that we know contribute to inflammation include sugar, processed foods, and food sensitivities. 

Some refer to Lyme as “the great imitator,” as it seems to almost create food sensitivities in many people. This is because the bacteria is very stealthy and attempts to distract the immune system, having it target certain proteins found in foods, so it can go about replicating in peace. For this reason, people often find they are less able to tolerate some foods they used to. The most common ingredients include gluten and dairy. 

In our treatment of Lyme and tick-borne disease, we typically recommend avoiding or reducing intake of these ingredients to lighten the load on the immune system and to simultaneously focus on increasing intake of foods that heal. There is no specific “Lyme diet” because everyone is so unique and as such, their nutrition needs are highly individualized. At the Stram Center we work with each person to determine what foods help them and which ones hurt, outlining specific dietary guidelines to support their treatment. We have seen diet and lifestyle both propel recovery or blunt it. While the adjustments are not always easy, that’s exactly what a support system and team of practitioners can provide. Healing is possible and we hope to help those struggling with Lyme on their journey. 

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