How to be Proactive with Your Breast Health

Whether you have lost a loved one, survived the trauma of defeating cancer, or simply would like to prevent cancer from growing in your body, we are here to listen. Our Integrative Medicine approach is based on caring practitioner-client partnership that incorporates the best of conventional Western medicine with alternative and complementary therapies resulting in a safer, more natural, whole body approach to stimulate healing. Prevention of breast cancer is linked with lower levels of alcohol intake, as alcohol increases circulation of both androgens and estrogens.

Studies have shown that consuming more than one alcoholic beverage per day relates to cancer development. Our environment can expose us to xenoestrogens, which can mimic estrogen in the body and increase your risk for breast cancers. To avoid your exposure to these toxins, always look paraben free cosmetic and household products.

Chronically ill patients in northern climates tend to have lower levels of Vitamin D deficiency. There is strong research that shows that Vitamin D is an immunity boosting, anti-cancer preventative. Therefore, it is important to test your blood levels frequently for Vitamin D levels, especially during the winter months.

In order to feel your best both on the inside and outside, you must maintain your body’s healthy weight and remain physically active. Lower levels of breast cancer is typically found in women with healthy body weights who exercise frequently and follow a majority plant-based diet. Therefore, nutritional therapy and lifestyle changes is a must for preventing cancer.

In the body, estrogen is broken down into various metabolites that can be either protective (2-hydroxyestrones) or permissive (16-hydroxyestrones) for breast cells in terms of vulnerability to cancer transformation. Dietary measures such as consumption of cruciferous vegetables and phytoestrogens (ground flaxseed) can improve the body's resistance for breast cancer development. It is important to monitor your levels of sugar, as high insulin levels can lead to weight gain and contribute to cancer growth. An important dietary factor for cancer prevention is the consumption of omega-3 fatty acids (EPH/DHA), which are found in fish, fish oil, walnuts, walnut oil, and others. There have been correlational studies linking a reduction in breast cancer for post and pre-menopausal women and consumption of fish oil.

A stressful environment creates a more vulnerable immune system, which can cause cancer cells to spread. However, when you are in a relaxed (parasympathetic nervous system) state, your immune system is more resilient. Therefore, take time for yourself, practice mind-body therapies, and do not be afraid to ask for help.

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