An Acu Point to Calm the Mind: Heart 7

Acupuncture and self-acupressure can be lovely ways to restore peace and harmony to the mind and spirit. A point on the heart channel does just that specifically.

This time of year can often stir up quite a bit of emotion, from excitement and anxiety to sometimes sadness and fear. Acupuncture and self-acupressure can be lovely ways to restore peace and harmony to the mind and spirit. A point on the heart channel does just that specifically. The point is Heart 7, named “Shen Men” which translates to Spirit Gate. It is located on the under side of the wrist (palm side) at the crease along the pinky finger side, just inside the little tendon you can feel on that side. Apply gentle pressure and hold. Or request this from your acupuncturist.

According to Chinese Medicine, the organs have functions beyond their physiology. One of the functions of the heart is to store the mind and spirit. Unlike in Western culture where the mind and heart are viewed and talked about as separate (“my mind is telling me one thing, but my heart another...”) according to Chinese understanding culturally and philosophically, there is no separation between the heart and the mind—the mind lives inside the heart. And “the state of the heart will affect the mental activities including the emotional state.”

When there is disturbance of the heart, this can manifest as anxiety, agitation, restlessness, sadness, poor memory, palpitations of the heart, and most often as insomnia. “If the heart is weak, the mind has no residence and it will ‘float’ at night causing inability to fall asleep, disturbed sleep, or excessive dreaming.” Conversely, “if the heart is strong, a person will fall asleep easily and sleep will be sound.” Heart 7 can address these symptoms by restoring balance to the heart and soothing it.

May your sleep be sound this holiday season bringing you peace of mind, restorative healing and rejuvenation!


The Foundations of Chinese Medicine by Giovanni Maciocia

A Manual of Acupuncture by Peter Deadman

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