Medical Consultations for Women’s Health


Since 2001, practitioners at the Stram Center have been treating women’s health issues through root cause analysis, clear diagnosis and effective, personalized treatment.

Our investigative approach through our 2 hour comprehensive initial appointments will include taking a complete medical history, physical exam, review of previous lab work, ordering appropriate additional testing including an extensive analysis of hormone levels, diet history and most importantly, listening to the detailed story you present.

As a female, your reproductive health and fertility are a part, expression, and source of your overall health. Women’s health issues can range in variety and severity from menopause to hormonal imbalances to infertility and more. Your medical provider will educate you about the various options for both integrative and traditional women’s health, and which ones will be best for you.

To learn more about women’s health, click here.


If you are a new patient or know someone who would like to inquire about women’s health at the Stram Center, please feel free to call and speak with one of our new patient navigators at 518-689-2244, or click here to send a message!

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