The Colon: A Gateway to Good Health

An investigative approach to Colon Health.

The cornerstone of treatment for many conditions, begins with evaluation of an individual's Colon Health. We understand that good colon health is imperative for an individual's quality of life and is one of the premiere areas of immune regulation. If someone is suffering from constipation or an overactive colon, the body's ability to cleanse and or retain nutrients is compromised.

First, we begin with a person's individual cellular make-up by drawing blood work, and analyzing where we may see some discrepancies - for example, we try to identify if you have any allergies/sensitivities to dairy, soy, gluten, etc. Are you absorbing nutrients properly. What might be the cause of your fatigue, discomfort, bloating?

Based on your personal analysis, we then recommend an integrative approach that may include: supplements, diet changes, acupuncture, chromotherapy, and medical treatment options as needed. Looking specifically on how an integrative approach can benefit colon health, let's dive into the use of chromotherapy (light therapy) for improved colon function.

If you are suffering from constipation, the body is not able to "throw the garbage out". Your body may benefit from the heat of our infrared sauna - generated through the use of red light. Red light increases circulation bringing more blood to your heart and bowels and helping your body to detox. Likewise, if you have prolonged bouts of diarrhea, your body may respond to undertones of blue light in our infrared sauna, which helps to cool and calm overactive bowels.

Colon health is a tricky thing and really needs to be evaluated based on the individual make-up of each person. It is something we take very seriously at The Stram Center because a good colon translates to a healthy body. If you have questions or concerns about your colon health, please don't hesitate to contact us.

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