Foot Massage Support During Cancer Treatment

Massage can be a therapeutic during cancer treatment.

A foot massage is a near universally pleasant experience. It is calming, relaxing, grounding and just plain feels good. So let's just take it up a few notches to highlight some acupuncture points to press while massaging the feet. Combining these points can be very supportive for individuals who are undergoing cancer treatment. It is a great way to treat yourself, or show support for a loved one.

Our first point is the third point on the spleen channel. It is located on the instep of the foot, just behind the first "knuckle" of the big toe. This point strengthens the digestive system and promotes the healthy transfer of nutrients from food to our tissues. It is good for fatigue, boosting appetite and sluggish digestion.

Our second point is the third point on the liver channel. It is located between the 1st and 2nd metatarsal bones that lead to the big and second toe. It promotes the healthy functioning of the liver and is excellent for circulation to the lower extremities. It is good for neuropathy in the feet, stress relief and insomnia.

Our third and final point is the 41st point on the gall bladder channel. It is located between the 4th and fifth metatarsal bones that lead to the pinky and 4th toes. It is an excellent point for grounding and works well with liver 3 to promote circulation in the lower extremities. It is good for headaches, hotflashes, insomnia and neuropathy in the feet.

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