Eric’s top recommendations to optimize cancer prevention, treatment, and survival

It has been estimated by the World Cancer Research Fund that one-quarter to one-third of the cancers that occur in the United States are due to poor nutrition, physical inactivity, and excess weight. This research supports our belief that embracing a healthy lifestyle is essential for anyone whose life is unfortunately touched with cancer. Follow the tips below to increase the anti-inflammatory potential of your diet.

Eric's top recommendations to optimize cancer prevention, treatment, and survival.

1.Minimize pro-inflammatory foods

·Limit and avoid animal protein, poultry, and dairy products:

  • These foods typically are rich in saturated fat, and a compound called arachidonic acid. It has been found that high intakes of these compounds may increase risk of many diseases and disorders, including cancer, diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and macular degeneration. The belief behind the increased risk is that these compounds tend to be “pro-inflammatory”, meaning they can raise inflammation in the body. High amounts of inflammation in the body may create an environment where cancer can thrive due to particular processes in the body being promoted or inhibited.

·Replace animal based/derived foods with plant based foods:

  • Be sure to replace the animal protein, poultry and dairy with plant-based equivalents. Currently there are many plant based options available, such as plant milk (almond, rice, soy, coconut, hemp, or oat based milks), plant yogurt (almond, soy, rice, coconut), plant cheese (soy, rice, blends such as Daiya as pea protein/tapioca mixture), and plant-based proteins (beans, lentils, veggie burgers, tofu, edamame, tempeh, etc.)

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