Craniosacral Therapy Found to Significantly Improve Symptoms of Fibromyalgia

I just read a research study on Craniosacral Therapy’s beneficial effects on people suffering from fibromyalgia.  The results of this study were very clear and significant.  Craniosacral Therapy definitely and significantly reduced the body pain, anxiety and depression experienced by the participants of the study, all of whom had fibromyalgia.  It improved their overall quality of life – there were clear improvements in physical function, general health and vitality, and therefore the ability to take part in social activities.  Craniosacral Therapy also improved the quality of their sleep in the participants.

This was a scientific study published in 2009 in the reputable Oxford Journal on-line edition (  One group received 2 Craniosacral Therapy sessions a week for 25 weeks.  The other group – the control group – received a fake ultrasound treatment twice a week for the same 25 weeks.  The control group experienced no changes in their fibromyalgia symptoms, while the Craniosacral group had significant improvements in all the above categories. Now here’s the exciting part – the improvements continued to last for over a year even though the sessions had ended!

I find this very exciting and plan to implement more craniosacral work with my clients who are challenged with fibromyalgia.  I don’t expect anyone to do the twice weekly sessions for 25 weeks – that was for the structure of the study.  I do feel, with something as debilitating as fibromyalgia, that getting some regular sessions for a bit, in a schedule that fits the client’s time and finances, can really make a big difference, and this study proves it.  

If you’re living with the challenge of fibromyalgia, consider giving Craniosacral Therapy a try.  There is truly nothing more relaxing (I get a session every month without fail).  It’s a time, just for you, to rest and heal on a very deep cellular level.  I’m very excited to have a research study show how well it works for this!

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