Cooling Off at the Pool: Large Intestine 11

Did you know you have a "pool" in your arm that can help you keep cool in the summer?

As summer heat comes near, we are reminded of the blissfully refreshing havens that are our favorite lakes, ponds, pools, or oceans. Acupuncture has some pools of its' own, one of which is known as Qu chi, or "Pool at the Bend." Located along the large intestine channel, it is one of the most commonly used points to cool and clear heat from the body. Whether it is heat and irritation from a poison ivy rash, a headache from staying out too long in the sun, or simply too much spicy BBQ leading to heartburn, this "pool at the bend," is called upon to help the body clear excessive heat in many ways.

The point is found where the crease of our elbow joint ends when flexing the arm to lift a cold beverage to our lips (or curl a dumbbell). Rather than applying pressure to the point, use a clean fingernail or even a soup spoon (called gua sha in traditional acupuncture) to scrape the point gently. You just need to scrape until the skin reddens slightly - do not break or damage the skin. The "small heat" of the scraped skin draws out the "big heat" within the body so that it can be cleared out. And of course, hydration, shade, and rest when needed will keep summer fun!

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